Tuesday, October 9, 2012

For your reading pleasure.. a second excerpt

O my soul, come not thou into their secret;
unto their assembly, ...
for in their anger they slew a man.

Genesis 49: 6 (KJV)

The unexpected sound of the plane overhead had interrupted a productive morning at Raul’s operation. After dumping yet another barrel of kerosene into the vat, he was laughing to himself again over something a colleague had told him - that Europeans considered cocaine a glamor drug. Mopping his brow with a crusty bandanna, he watched Platon and Mario kick off their grimy sandals to slosh their sweaty feet in the vat of coca leaves. They joked together to pass the time, each one daring the other to pee into the stuff. Glamorous? This?
That was when they’d heard the plane overhead - right overhead. What idiot was flying that thing? The landing caused a ripple of excitement through the camp, as did any hope of contact with the outside world. They'd been working three weeks without a break, and were hoping to wrap up this harvest soon.
Of course there were a dozen or more volunteers to go investigate at the airstrip, but Raul knew these muchachos would take half the morning at it, and he wanted to keep the work moving. Besides, he needed to check this out himself. He barked at them to keep working, he’d be back in half an hour, and he expected to see some progress.
The wooden planks of the boardwalk groaned under Raul’s considerable weight, as he trotted through the trees, his mind racing. He was not expecting any shipments - he already had more leaves than he could process in a week, and it would be several days before he had anything to ship out. Damn them all! What kind of production schedule was he expected to keep, anyway? Approaching the airstrip, he slowed to a walk, then crept around the trees, his pistol drawn.
He saw her in the clearing. Not who or what he’d been expecting at all. The plane had apparently made an emergency landing here.
He watched her play-acting with the gun and had to smile. Then when it went off and she was scared to death, he could hardly stifle a laugh. He watched as she packed the weapon away. And whatever was wrong with the plane, she clearly hadn’t a clue as to how to fix it.
He had seen enough. He smiled and put his pistol back into its holster. He would not be needing it.
He imagined his crew bugging out at the first sound of gunfire, afraid to show their faces near camp for days. But, Raul reasoned, it might be labor well lost to get some privacy with this little gringa.

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